• The Briefing

    Jesus, the Man

    While Jesus was unquestionably “fully human” and “fully God”, we must recognize that being fully human did, in fact, bring significant limitations.  While Jesus was clearly connected to God, it was also a requirement of his humanity to be disconnected from God at the same time.

    Jesus received his power from the Father, but Jesus admitted that there were things the Father knew that were hidden from the Son:

    “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Mark 13:32

    While in human form, Jesus was not the Father, and had the requirement of consulting with God throughout the day, often late at night or early each morning in prayer. His mission was his ministry, to proclaim the Good News, to seek and save the lost, and to train others to lead the church when he was gone. Luke 4:42-43, Luke 5:31-32

    It is this example of prayer Luke 5:16 and, most importantly, the reason for prayer, that concerns us.

    We see Jesus’ ministry take him from here to there, but he was not everywhere! We see his human limitations at work. He never transported himself nor his friends to other places, but used his human abilities to conduct his ministry of teaching, serving, training, and healing.

  • Jesus, Rescue Me!

    How many times has Jesus called out to me and asked me to climb out of the boat? And how many of those times he asked, did I? But in the times I did, I was amazed at how easily I could do things I didn’t think I could do; things I could only do with Jesus leading. He makes me bold, and gives me the power to do such great things.

    But too often, when I stop moving towards Jesus, I am given the opportunity to look around and see the reality of the world around me, and the waves seem so much higher than they did before. One moment I am in awe of His love and power, and I feel invincible and unstoppable because He is there, walking by my side or walking ahead and showing me the way. But just for a moment, I take my eyes off Jesus, and the waves consume me. I sink into what I see as reality, and turn off his power like a switch.

  • Holding On

    “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.” Mark 8:34-35

    A number years ago, it was easy.  Everything I thought I knew had been wrong, and Jesus showed me—gave me—a new way:  His way.

    It made so much sense, and life seemed simpler then. The kids were young with minimal activities, and I had just discovered God’s awesome power and love.

    So I was “all in” in those days. Whatever God asked through his Word or the Church, I didn’t question, regardless of the challenge. I just acted in faith. Some may call that “passion” or “zeal”.  Others may have called it naïveté.

    But whatever, it was real and powerful, and I was given the strength and confidence to make big changes in my own life, and receive every blessing that came my way, because my life was no longer my own.  I had become God-serving, no longer self-serving as I’d once been.

  • What Have I Done?

    Matthew 26-Present

    What have I done?
    This man has done nothing wrong
    Yet I’ve betrayed him into the hands of men
    He stands condemned though he was innocent all along

    I can’t live with the pain

    What have I done?
    I claimed not to have known you
    I did just what I promised I wouldn’t do
    What kind of friend is concerned only for himself?

    My Lord, please forgive me

    You’ve done nothing wrong!
    Except be a friend to those who needed love
    You took a stand to show the world the truth they never knew
    You took the burden of our sin and you gave us all
    A chance to be forgiven
    But we mistreated you and we tortured you
    And we betrayed the trust you gave
    Yet still you loved us
    When you could have walked away
    Still you died that day…

    What have I done?
    Surely this was the ‘Son of God!’
    Yet I crucified him with my own hands
    I closed my eyes and now I am filled with tears

    How could I have been so blind?

    What have I done?
    All you’ve ever done is give your love
    I thought that I could live my life alone
    I turned my back and ignored all of your ways

    How could I be so cold?

    But you’ve set me free
    From the chains of the sin that had a hold on me
    You’ve helped me be
    A new creation that I now can let the world see
    You lifted me out of my despair
    While you were still nailed there
    Though I mistreated you
    And I spat in your face
    And laughed at you in your pain
    You stood up for me
    And begged God to forgive
    What I couldn’t even see

    My God! What have I done?

  • The Spirit of Choice

    “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious . . .

    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:19, 22-23

    Have you ever wondered why you never seem to have an abundance of the aforementioned “fruits?” Why do we find that these promised blessings are always just out of reach, while we continue to struggle with that ol’ sinful nature, never quite seeming to grasp all of that wonderful fruit?

    They are sometimes referred to as the “gifts” of the Spirit, but, while this is somewhat true Hebrews 2:4, that’s not the context of what Paul has written in the text we see above. In the current context, Paul is emphasizing the clear differences of how we “chose” to live when we were slaves to sin, in contrast to the choices available to us now with the Spirit of God as our master.

  • Scattered Truth

    Luke 8:4-15

    It gets tossed along the busy streets
    Where every kind of bird and insect feed
    Trampled underfoot and turned to dust
    The hungry find their fill
    Yet they remain unsatisfied

    It often lands upon the gravel road
    A place that’s rough where the rain hardly falls
    There’s no place for the roots to grow
    The child finds the sugar
    It’s sweet but does not endure

    Sometimes it’s forced to grow among the shadows
    Of the prickly-pear or the thorns of a pretty rose
    Cut off by the others growing there
    It starves for attention
    And silently passes away

    But once in awhile it falls in a lovely place
    Where life-giving water flows
    And the radiance of a loving sun glows

    It grows into a mighty tree
    That scatters a hundred or thousand seeds
    To be blown by the wind to places unknown…

  • Unforgivable

    I know it wasn’t me you considered
    As you hung there on that cross
    In death you won sweet victory,
    Bringing home so many who were lost

    But I’ve been left behind to suffer
    And to pay for all I’ve done
    I’ve sinned too greatly against you,
    Not worthy to be called your son

    What I’ve done is unforgivable, even for you, O God
    My sin is greater than your love could ever be
    We shall always be at odds

    I know I’m unforgivable and I must pay the price
    Cast me aside and forget me, Lord
    Just ignore my silent cries

    I can’t accept this gift you bring
    For it’s me who should give something to you
    And I’m not ready, I’ve too much shame
    I’m a fake and you are the Truth

    Who I am is unforgivable and I cannot stand the light
    Because I’m afraid the world will see me
    And know that I am right

    When I say that I’m unforgivable, don’t waste your time with me
    I am deserving of only death
    It should have been me upon that tree

    Yet you continue to pursue me
    Could it be I’ve misunderstood?
    After all I’ve done you’d still let me in?
    I just don’t understand why you would

    There must be someone else more deserving
    One with honor, morals and love
    Someone other than this wretch before you
    One that’s worthy of help from above

    Or is it that no one’s unforgivable, no sin that’s greater than your love?
    Is it true you knew me since before I was born
    That I was the one you were thinking of?

    I at least can say I’m sorry and then run right home to you
    If you promise to forgive me
    Then my heart will be renewed

    I guess no one’s unforgivable, not even the likes of me
    It’s never too late to set things straight
    Or set the guilty free

    “There’s no one more deserving, child
    Of the love I’ve always had for you
    I want you to stay with me forever
    It’s good to have you home…”

  • The Truth About Independence

    Let me start by sharing an observation. And that’s that children seek not independence, but “the freedom to act according to emotion without fear of consequence.”

    As adults, given the gifts of increasing responsibility, we know that independence is a great responsibility. As adults, not as children in grown-up bodies, we understand that we have established “the responsibility to act in accordance with the law with fear and consequence.”

    Yay Independence! Some days, we’d really rather someone just told us what to do for awhile . . .

    Still, it is often difficult to understand that independence is not the requirement to handle all your problems on your own, or answer all the questions by yourself. Being independent does not mean you must act alone.

  • Run Free

    “I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.” Psalm 119:32

    So many demand freedom, but don’t understand its meaning. Freedom means to be at “liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint; exemption from external control, interference, regulation; the power to determine action without restraint.” — Dictionary.com

    When the founding fathers spoke of freedom, and carved it into parchment, their freedom was from the control, interference and regulation of the throne of England. They were not slaves, but already free men, who wanted to govern their own lives and families. But in their success, they formed a government that now intrudes in the lives of its citizens. But whose fault is that?

    All of us. Sin and brokenness. The bastardization of the idea of freedom, and the notion that freedom is really the power or right to live without boundaries or consequences.

  • In the Garden (of Gethsemane)

    Matthew 26:36-42

    My heart is heavy, my spirit weak
    How can you ask me to go on?
    This cup is too full, I cannot drink
    Is there any other way?

    As I try to shine as a light for you
    To show your people the way
    They cover their eyes
    And drown me out with their fears
    Their sorrow overwhelms me;
    Father, please give me strength
    For what you ask — I cannot do

    It’s so hard for me to see right now
    The value of this task
    I feel I could do so much more
    If only I was given the chance

    Though many try to believe your words
    Which through me they hear
    They cannot understand
    This world pulls them away
    Even now, my closest friends sleep —
    The ones who are supposed to walk with me;
    The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.
    I feel cold — I am alone
    My Father, please stay by my side
    Do not abandon me

    Why can’t they all believe me
    And believe who I say I am
    I only want to bring them hope and peace
    And to bring them close again to you

    So many are the wicked
    That they have sent me here to die
    Why should I go through with
    All this pain and suffering
    When they don’t even care?
    When they don’t even know my name?

    My heart is filled with sorrow;
    It hurts so much I could die
    Please take this cup away from me
    For I cannot drink it.
    Don’t you love me?
    Why would you ask this of me?
    Do you love them all that much?
    Despite all that they’ve done to you?

    Father, if this is the way it must go
    May it be as you command
    Please give me the strength
    To carry out all that you have planned

    Father in heaven, as I pray to you now
    You fill me with your love
    I trust in you with all my heart, that
    Your will be done in heaven and on earth;
    If I must drink this cup that it may go away
    So shall it be —
    For my life is but a mist, and what I want
    Has no meaning
    I am your humble servant, O Father;
    So let’s complete what we’ve begun.